Tuesday, August 7, 2012

catching up.

I love catching up with friends, most particular the friend I went out with on Saturday night. I used to work with her and since I left (a month ago already) we have barely gone a day without being in contact with each other on the phone, and pretty much meet once a fortnight, if not more. To me she is a true friend that I have made and we can talk about anything and we pretty much don't stop talking. We were so prepared to meet this Saturday that we knew where we were going and what we were going to eat about a week and a half before the actual day itself! These burgers were heaven; when the menu said mini burgers I was expecting something more cute than tasty- I was wrong. I think it's safe to say I was in food heaven! And an evening topped off with cocktails, is a good night had. To the next evening...

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